Alphabet Lore A-Z

There are theories saying that the shape of letters – yes, the very same that comprise the alphabet and that you’re reading right now – is not accidental. According to this opinion, each letter has its own mystical sense and represents a certain notion by the very combination of lines that are used to depict it. We won’t go so deep into esoterica, but there is something about it. And maybe that was one of the things that inspired the creators of Alphabet Lore to come up with charming and funny characters that are letters!

Not quite usual characters

In this online game, you will meet new friends that you’re going to spend a great time with. Don’t be surprised by their unusual appearance – they don’t look like any of the people you know, even anyone you can see in the street. Because they’re not people at all. They are letters! And each of them is different not only on the outside, but also on the inside. Every letter in this living and breathing alphabet is a personality, and you will have many chances to see that with your own eyes. They all behave in different ways, they react to the same events differently, they even have different traits of character and hobbies. You will learn all that playing Alphabet Lore A-Z!

Lots of fun activities to enjoy in the alphabet land!

As you can imagine, you will have to deal with every single letter from the entire vast alphabet here. The situations offered by the game makers will be versatile just like the things you’ll have to do in them. What kind of things? You’re going to discover that when you start playing the game! Colorful graphics, easy controls and addicting gameplay make it a perfect way to both while away some time when you can’t really get busy with other stuff and the only thing you have access to is your smartphone and spend a full-blown gaming evening staring into your computer screen until the very dawn. In any way, you’ll surely enjoy the time spent in the company of these cute and exciting heroes. Hopefully, you’ll make real buddies and you will return to Alphabet Lore A-Z over and over again!

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